If some of the inhabitants of the village moved, should the rest continue to perform Jumu`ah Prayer


Q: We live in a village most of whose dwellers earn their livelihood through farming and raising cattle. They establish Jumu`ah (Friday) and `Eid (Festival) Prayers in the village but some of them moved to another more populated one in which official services are more available. This new village is five kilometers away from our village. Some other villagers are still living in the same village, their number may sometimes be less than forty to establish Jumu`ah prayer, and in the two `Eid prayers, this number may be forty or more or less depending on the attendance of those who live and work outside as they come to celebrate `Eid with their families.Is it permissible for them to establish Jumu`ah and the two `Eid Prayers? Are they valid in such cases? Can you clarify the issue to us, may Allah reward you with the best!

A: Those who stay permanently in the mentioned village must establish Jumu`ah and two `Eid Prayers even if their number is less than forty because there is no Sahih (authentic) Hadith regarding the decisive number obligatory for establishing Jumu`ah Prayer.May Allah grant us success. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!
